
Sweetest Escape to Paradizoo!

by - 1/19/2015

One of my goals for this year is to travel more and be with nature again! Being a Manila girl, I believe we all deserve to have a break with all the hustle and bustle of the city and feel nature again.

I am aiming to celebrate my birthday in Tagaytay and roam around the city with my family. However, a blessing came as I was invited for a media tour last January 17, 2015 at Paradizoo for Zoomanity Group's Paradizoo: Power of Three Launch.

Even though our way was really congested because it is a Saturday, I personally had so much fun with the view and provincial 'feel' that I am yearning for for months already.

What is Paradizoo?

Before we go through each and every photo, let me introduce to you PARADIZOO byZoomanity Group

Paradizoo is located in Mendez, Cavite which is ideal for picnics, educational field trips, outdoor and group outing programs. It is a fascinating paradise that showcases the beauty of flora and fauna. Have a taste of this magnificent theme farm with its latest attractions.

So happy to be in my white turtle neck long sleeves because of the cold wind!

Happy to spend the whole day with my ♥ too! (I usually use ♥ for my boyfriend) Seems like he is really enjoying this cool and green place.

Welcome to Paradizoo!

Paradizoo also has Discovery shop, Paradizoo Cafe, playground and many more that will capture your heart. 

Flower Festival Week

We had so much fun because we witnessed the launch of Flower Festival, first of Paradizoo: Power of Three

Flower Festival Week is a festival of breathtaking floral designs, formal hedges and topiary from January 17, 2015 to Feb 6, 2015.

January 17, 2015 has been blessed with so much activities for the Flower Festival Week:

- Ribbon Cutting of Camper Van
- Ms. Lita Ibarra - "Orchids and Flower Arrangement"
- Ms. Timmy Cruz - "I love You, Mother Nature"

Timmy Cruz singing I love you, Mother Nature.

After the activities, we had the chance to roam around Paradizoo and took some lovely pictures with the animals, pretty flowers and landscapes.

Looks like this camel is really friendly!


We had so much fun with these love birds!

Paradizoo is indeed a lovely paradise. If you want to go picnic with your love ones, or just be with nature again, Paradizoo is for you!

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